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4 killmails for 2,264,296,275 total isk (csv)

K. corp Killer K. ship K. class V. corp Victim V. ship V. class System Region Isk Date Killmail
櫻 花 酱 Sakura
Apocalypse Striker ARA
甜 柠 檬
Rokh YI-GV6 Wicked Creek 1,749,303,621 2023-08-07 11:53:41
櫻 花 酱 Sakura
Apocalypse Striker THD
空 空
Hurricane Logistics VOL-MI Curse 375,163,041 2023-08-14 11:58:07
櫻 花 酱 Sakura
Phoenix TOEicon
Ferox P3EN-E Vale of the Silent 111,972,099 2023-08-24 09:22:16
櫻 花 酱 Sakura
Apocalypse Striker MI
Callum T
Coercer Interdictor YI-GV6 Wicked Creek 27,857,514 2023-08-07 11:50:55