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3 killmails for 2,573,019,159 total isk (csv)

K. corp Killer K. ship K. class V. corp Victim V. ship V. class System Region Isk Date Killmail
乔 伊 哈 代
哎 呀 玛 雅
L-P3XM Tenal 2,538,220,636 2023-01-20 13:01:58
--= Bel =--
Dramiel THD
哎 呀 玛 雅
Condor Interceptor C2X-M5 Tribute 34,787,685 2022-12-05 05:03:11
Enderas Wolf
Celestis Interdictor THD
哎 呀 玛 雅
Executioner P3EN-E Vale of the Silent 10,838 2021-09-28 06:27:54