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3 killmails for 3,765,938,465 total isk (csv)

K. corp Killer K. ship K. class V. corp Victim V. ship V. class System Region Isk Date Killmail
PJ Kerensky
Tempest Striker HLRC
幽 壑 潜 蛟
Capsuleer Outpost MY-T2P Vale of the Silent 2,642,094,934 2023-01-21 12:27:51
Grey Foxx
Tempest Striker HLRC
幽 壑 潜 蛟
Nereus II 8FN-GP Detorid 843,788,869 2021-07-31 10:18:42
Astero HLRC
幽 壑 潜 蛟
Atron II Interceptor 5KG-PY Providence 280,054,662 2021-12-20 07:20:32