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3 killmails for 44,022,380,767 total isk (csv)

K. corp Killer K. ship K. class V. corp Victim V. ship V. class System Region Isk Date Killmail
随 便 □
Tempest Striker Bought The Farm
Corporation Outpost I LS9B-9 Vale of the Silent 14,799,175,851 2023-01-17 19:32:17
Myrmidon Guardian Bought The Farm
Corporation Outpost I RVCZ-C Vale of the Silent 14,726,518,983 2023-01-16 16:10:48
八 重 神 子 .
Bought The Farm
3-SFWG Catch 14,496,685,933 2022-10-08 06:49:41